To meet these responsiveness requirements, the IMPACT chair proposes a targeted research program in collaboration with renowned laboratories international. This program concerns, more particularly, the development of materials in a context of environmental sobriety, economy resources, saving of strategic metals, recyclability and also use of processes sober emerging technologies, such as additive manufacturing, engineering surfaces and the contribution of nanotechnologies.

This R&D program will above all be a demonstration program which will aim to illustrate the different facets of digital/materials convergence with a view to accelerating the discovery of new materials.

Scientific scope of “IMPACT PhD” thesis subjects

From 2024, an “IMPACT PhD” call for projects will be set up as part of the PTC MP global call for projects in order to finance each year at least 4 new IMPACT PhD scholarships on average between 2024 and 2026, i.e. a total of one minimum objective of 12 thesis grants over the period.

These theses may be co-financed by industrial partners or carried out in partnership with an academic laboratory. These R&D projects will involve either two different CEA laboratories, or a CEA laboratory and an academic laboratory, or a CEA laboratory and an industrial laboratory. Academic collaboration could also take place internationally as is already the case with NTU Singapore, List in Luxembourg or soon with the University of Wisconsin in Madison (US).

Concerning the associated R&D doctoral program, a certain number of projects were supported during the 2018-2023 period and in particular theses often combining digital and experimental approaches. We can cite more particularly the following projects:

ProjectThesis subject
Green AMMastery of the raw materials cycle in additive manufacturing
CREATEMaterials with composition gradient by additive manufacturing
READMITDevelopment of repair by additive manufacturing in joint supervision with NTU Singapore
LIMPIDEDevelopment of PVD HiPIMS for high temperature electrolysis
ATMHEADesign of high entropy alloys for energy
ATMOSPHEREDevelopment of PECVD at atmospheric pressure with List in Luxembourg
QDITQuantum perovskite dots for photonic quantum technologies