This Chair is part of INSTN’s main vocation, the development and reinforcement of Education and training programs related to the field of materials for energy and their diagnoses.

The IMPACT Chair was jointly set up by the CEA’s Transversal Materials and Processes Skills Program and the INSTN in 2018 to accelerate the deployment of emerging materials and sovereignty processes for major transitions: ecological, energy, digital and health. At the end of a first period of 5 years, a positive assessment and a favorable national context (co-piloting by the CEA of PEPR DIADEM), it was agreed to renew the IMPACT Chair for a period of 5 additional years.

The areas covered by the materials and process program concern:

  • the accelerated discovery of materials in a context of “constrained” innovation (saving of resources, particularly strategic materials, energy and environmental sobriety of processes);
  • he development of emerging advanced manufacturing processes (1D, 2D, 3D, 4D);
  • the holistic approach over the entire life cycle of materials from design to recycling;
  • the development of training tools within the framework of the Impact Chair as well as international collaboration.

The INSTN Foundation participates in the funding of the chair and supports the development of international student exchange programs between academic partners, NTU in Singapore, Ecole Polytechnique in Montreal, UTT and CIRIMAT. INSTN will participate in the funding of seminars and Open Innovation workshops.