Since the launch of the IMPACT initiative in 2018, a certain number of actions have been accomplished. First of all, with regard to training activities, we note in particular:

  • the creation of a teaching module as part of the MET Master’s degree at the University of Paris-Saclay on emerging processes (nanomaterials, thin layers, 3D printing in particular) in a circular economy context
  • the creation of a Fab Lab allowing the realization of tutored projects with the financing of a Fab Lab Manager
  • the creation of the AMETIS international summer school (Advanced Manufacturing for Energy and Transportation International School) and the publication of an associated scientific work.

The new educational project will be able to rely in particular on the call for expressions of interest for PEPR training to create new training courses dedicated to the contribution of digital technologies to the entire life cycle of materials, from design and sober production until the end of life and recycling. These courses to be defined could take the form of an International Master’s degree for example, integrate doctoral training and could also be offered for continuing education. The construction of these courses could be part of a response from INSTN and the IMPACT Chair to the call for expressions of interest for PEPR DIADEM training activities.

Regarding the international student exchange program which already works well (NTU Singapore, List Luxembourg, Univ. Wisconsin US), the latter will be renewed and expanded. In this context, Master 2 internships and more particularly for M2 Materials for Energy and Transport (MET) students may be financed by the chair, at the rate of one to two internships/year. The Fab Lab will continue to welcome Master 2 MET students to carry out tutored projects, proposed by CEA teacher-researchers, and will be open to other training courses, such as the GA and the DQPRM. A continuing education offering on Additive Manufacturing is currently being developed and will also be offered, with visits and practical work on additive manufacturing research and development facilities at the Grenoble and Saclay sites.