A continuing training offer is offered by the institute and more particularly on additive manufacturing.

More details are made in INSTN website

AMETIS – ADVANCED MANUFACTURING FOR ENERGY AND TRANSPORTATION INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL was held from June 26 to July 1, 2022 in Corsica and was focused on three emerging processes, and on their possible synergies that can initiate innovations or incremental advances. After presenting an integrated vision of additive manufacturing, the latest advancements in surface engineering and nanomanufacturing technologies, the school will focus on the convergence of these technologies as a source of innovation for advanced energy manufacturing and transport.

The courses are designed for young researchers, PhD students, post- doctorates and engineers, already having a Master of Science in materials engineering as a background.

The AMETIS International School will be renewed with a periodicity of 3 years in order to allow each thesis student to have the opportunity to participate once during the course of their doctorate.

Three families of emerging processes, their possible synergies and the new generic methodologies for rapid discovery and optimization will be studied.